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Thorn Family History


Amy's parents, Janice and David Thorn

June 14, 1970


 Thorn family.bmp (1072674 bytes)

A recent photo of the whole gang, taken September 12, 1998

Top row, from left:  Carrie, Melody, Grandpa, Grandma, Lynn, John, Brian, Diane, Brianne, Jennifer
Bottom row:  David,  Amy, Don, Jan, and Adam


Our Uncle, John Thorn, has a very extensive web site  that is dedicated to the history of the Thorn family and can be found at the following address:





Latest Thorn News:


Latest Arrival to the Thorn Family

Congratulations Melody and Scott!


Melody and Scott Berube are celebrating the arrival of their second son, Jacob Aaron!

Check back to this spot soon for pictures of the latest addition to the Thorn family tree!


Just last year, their first born, Jordan Louis arrived to fanfare:




Jennifer's Wedding

Wedding Bells Rang For Jennifer & John on October 20, 2001










Visit Jan Thorn's web site:  webtree1.com/jan's_page


Congratulations, Brianne !

On June 24th 2000, Brianne Thorn graduated from the class of 2000 at Fairport High School.  The ceremony took place in downtown Rochester at the Blue Cross Arena.  Nearly 500 seniors took part in the first commencement ceremony of the new millennium!  A party was held in Brianne's honor at the home of Brian & Diane Thorn of Fairport, NY.

Photo by Don Vallone, Jr.








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