Up Camp Thorn Carrie's Page Patches Gallery Thorn Holiday Page
Patches Gallery



Raggedy Patches (her mommy prefers to call her just plain "Patches") was just delivered by the kitty stork to her new mommy and daddy, Jan & Dave Thorn of Irondequoit, NY.  These are her first baby pictures ever published on the World Wide Web!  It has been reported that she will be signing on for a modeling contract with the famous feline talent agent, Autumn Vallone.  More news to come....


And now introducing the newest member of our family...... PATCHES!





For her baby shower, little Patches received home knitted kitty toys from her Aunt Marie Sucice!







Dinner Time!





After dinner, Patches already knows where to go to take care of business.








Patches likes exploring under the kitchen table...


...and around the fireplace!



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